Need help?

We’re here for you.

Report a Beam vehicle or an accident

Help us keep your streets safe and neat

Report an accident involving a Beam vehicle

Did an incident occur involving a Beam? Please tell us what happened, and we’ll be in contact very shortly.

Report an Accident
Report a Beam vehicle

If a Beam is badly parked or is in the way, let us know and we’ll send someone to get it relocated as quickly as possible.

Report a Beam

How can we help?

Customer Service

Need information or assistance from our Customer Service team? Start by checking out our Help Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the answers you seek.

See Help Center >Speak to us now >
City Councils

Speak to our experienced team about arranging a co-design workshop for your local council, or to find out more on how Beam can support your transport goals and help your city to flow better.

Get in touch >

For press queries or to contact our media team, send us a note at [email protected] and we’ll be in touch.

Get in touch >

Where information is required to assist any police investigation involving a Beam rider or Beam vehicle, you can send us a request.

Submit request >

Partnering with us can mean
anything from simple one-off engagement to long-term,
strategic collaboration.

Get in touch >

Come on board an accessible and profitable business with low capital and extensive support. Submit your application and let’s kickstart your franchise journey.

Apply now >

Take control of your earnings and time, and join us in making a difference in our cities, one vehicle at a time. Become a marshal today!

Apply now >

Take control of your earnings and time, and join us in making a difference in our cities, one vehicle at a time. Become a ranger today!

Apply now >